The Axiell WebAPI in detail

Open documentation describing the highlights of the Axiell WebAPI and the advantages over its predecessor wwwopac.exe (a CGI extension).

Open a concise overview of the image handling functionality in the Axiell WebAPI.

Open documentation about the differences between the default and structured XML types for saved searches (aka pointer files).

Open documentation about the differences between structured wwwopac.exe output and grouped wwwopac.ashx output.

Choosing your implementation

The Axiell WebAPI can be implemented using a jQuery plugin, Adlib.Data.dll or Url requests.

Open an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each flavour.

Optional JSON output

Besides XML, the output format JSON can be returned by wwwopac.ashx and oai.ashx.

Open the documentation about JSON.


  • Enhancing the WebAPI search performance As far as the configuration of your Axiell Collections databases and Axiell WebAPI is concerned, the performance and results of WebAPI searches can be enhanced by applying combined indexes for term indexed fields that often contain more than a single word (like person names or object names) and/or for almost identical linked fields, and by using search indirection in your WebAPI queries or adlibweb.xml configuration file to access those combined indexes.
  • Excluding anonymous internet users from records (Word document). If you've already set up an Axiell Internet Server application or just an Axiell wwwopac server, and you are not sure how to exclude certain records from showing up in search results from your otherwise public database, you may find this FAQ useful.
  • How to sort on the first occurrence of a field only When you sort the search result on a repeated field, the record usually appears as many times in the search result as the field is actually repeated in the record. If you want any retrieved record to appear only once in a search result sorted on a repeated field, you will have to make a few changes to your database and web application.
  • What to do when certain records cannot be found There are different reasons why sometimes you can't find the records you are looking for, even when you know they exist. Knowing where to look for the problem and how best to solve it may save you valuable time. Click the FAQ header to learn more.