Getting started

This site is intended to help you developing user interfaces that make use of Axiell record data using the REST web service. Using this service, you can access all data in Axiell Collections databases (in the SQL Server database format) from any programming language that you prefer. Although Axiell ALM itself uses C# as the primary development language for web pages, there are no restrictions in using other environments, such as PHP or Flash to develop your apps. You will only need to send URLs to the web service and you will receive a response in XML.

The base url of the test server is You can use this service with Get and Post methods. The easiest way to send commands to the service is by simply adding the WebAPI parameters as arguments to the URL. See the WebAPI commands page for an introduction into the available WebAPI commands or use its sub menus to quickly find a specific command.

Running any of the examples in the WebAPI commands section will show you the XML returned by wwwopac.ashx. This XML always contains a record list and a diagnostics node. (See the search command documentation for a detailed description of the Axiell XML structure.)

The Axiell WebAPI is implemented using a .NET HTTP handler, named wwwopac.ashx. This replaces the older CGI executable wwwopac.exe. Although we have tried to keep the new version backwards compatible, there are differences between the new .NET implementation and the older C++ implementation. The most important being the obsolescence of some query parameters (FLDx=, OPRx= and BOOLx=).

See the WebAPI in detail section for all references to in-depth documentation about the WebAPI.

The Downloads and Resources sections offer tools, reusable source code and further sources of information.