OAI (Open Archives Initiative) support

The OAI protocol, based on HTTP and XML, is a metadata harvesting protocol, intended to make the normally invisible contents of internet databases accessible and searchable by search engines through a submitted term.
The OAI functionality implemented through the oai.ashx alias (which is a standard part of the Axiell WebAPI from version 3.0.21154.1) supports OAI protocol 2.0. Through an OAI protocol request to a repository (a server on which e.g. the WebAPI has been configured for the OAI protocol), (meta)data can be extracted from your database, and be made available on the internet where it can be indexed by service providers such as search engines. A full description of the OAI protocol can be found on https://www.openarchives.org/
The difference between data and metadata in an Axiell Collections database is a matter of agreement. Normally, we regard the information in the database as data, but the description of an object or book, can just as easily be seen as metadata because the content of the book itself is not contained in the database. Collections databases store information about other data or objects: call it data or metadata.
The metadata resulting from an OAI query, may comply to a number of specified standards. The Dublin Core metadata standard is the standard that is provided with the Axiell implementation of OAI. Click here for the XML.-schema.
The standard consists of 15 elements (comparable to fields in a Collections application) in which the metadata is passed on. Since Collections databases contain many more fields than Dublin Core has elements, a limited amount of information is selected from a retrieved Collections record. But you can still define more than 15 elements. Dublin Core is really a narrow base that can be supported by anyone; this makes it easier to exchange information between differently structured data.
In principle, oai.ashx returns all fields from a Collections record (in AdlibXML format). But especially for OAI, oai.ashx uses an XSLT stylesheet (with a Collections-field-to-Dublin-Core-element mapping) set in the web configuration file to transform that search result to the proper metadata format (also in XML), before sending it to the harvester. With this, the metadata search result is transformed to a so-called OAI record (one OAI record per Collections record). Such a record primarily consists of a header and the selected metadata. The header consists of a unique identifier for the retrieved record, and of a date stamp that indicates when the record was last modified. The metadata is of course the retrieved data after transformation.
So the output format of an OAI search result is determined by an XSLT stylesheet on the server. Our standard Dublin Core stylesheet for this purpose is: oai_dc.xsl. Possible other output formats can be based on this stylesheet.