Release notes for WebAPI 3.0.21040.1

New JSON output flavour

From WebAPI version 3.0.21040.1 a third JSON output format is available, which is more compact and easier to understand for developers who are used to writing JSON-based integrations: the main difference is the elimination of the "spans" arrays in favour of objects containing the grouped fields and there's also a change in the way enumerative values are presented. For an example, click here. The new format must be enabled in the adlibweb.xml configuration file and does not work with the xmltype parameter described above (but isn't hindered by it either), which means that existing JSON integrations do not need changing if the new format isn't required. To enable the new output format, you need to set the new <jsonFormat> element, with the value standard, in the <globalConfiguration> section of adlibweb.xml. For example:


After enabling this setting, when you make a call to the WebAPI with parameter output=json in the URL, you will get the improved JSON format in return. (With the setting enabled you can also still get the old format though, using output=jsonv1 as parameter, which produces the grouped XML type by default, but you can still use xmltype=unstructured if desired.) If the jsonFormat element is missing or has accidentally been set to anything other than standard, the regular JSON format will be output.

Fix for login without password no longer working

Login without password didn't work anymore. That has been fixed.
Login without password is allowed when: adlibweb.xml has the <authentication>false</authentication> setting and the AuthenticationConfiguration type is ActiveDirectory and the web.config authentication mode = Windows.

Fix for listpointerfiles command no longer working

The listpointerfiles command no longer worked. This has been fixed.

Fix for limit parameter yielding the incorrect number of records

The facet limit counter always yielded one extra record: the default output for a faceted search was 11 records although it reported limit = 10, while addition of &limit=0 to the query caused only 1 record to be output and addition of &limit=n caused (up to) n+1 records to be output.

Fix for error 500

Adding the event.title field to the list of search fields caused an error 500.